HypnoBirthing Childbirth Prep Series!
Empowering, Supporting, & Educating Expecting Parents!
Service Description
Empowering, Supporting, & Educating Expecting Parents ~ This is your body, your baby, your birth - Your Decision! Your educator Kimberly is a Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education Provider, Birth Doula, Lactation Consultant, Certified Pre and Postnatal Diastasis Recti & Core Consultant & Exercise Specialist in addition to Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher. I’m here to educate, support, and encourage you and your birth companion so you both feel confident to make your own decisions during your labor, birth, and postpartum journey. The 5-week HypnoBirthingⓇ course not only teaches breathwork, meditation, self-hypnosis, relaxation, but gives you all the knowledge to prepare for a positive birth experience. Course will consist of 5 x 2.5 hour sessions once a week for a 5 week period and is for you AND your birth partner. You will receive: ~ The HypnoBirthing® Book by Marie Mongan, Rainbow Relaxation MP3/download and a Parent workbook with relaxation scripts, birth preferences template, nutritional guide, and more! In this course you will learn: ~To give birth with confidence & calm. ~ Breathing techniques for phases of your birth. ~ To be informed on your choices. ~ About feeling connected to your partner, your body and your sweet baby. ~Proven techniques to reduce fear and pain in birth (acupressure, imagery, breathwork, positioning, and more). ~A complete overview of what to expect during pre-labor, birthing, and the golden hour of bonding with your baby. ~ Breastfeeding basics. ~Nutritional recommendations, the history of childbirth, the power of your mind and the mind/body connection, optimal positions, acupressure points, Rebozo, what to expect your 4th trimester PLUS SO MUCH MORE! This is a complete childbirth preparation course to have a fearless and empowering birth! Private $297 /in studio classes - $250/couple. Message me to book or check the upcoming schedule!
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact me 24 hours in advance to avoid a cancellation fee!
Contact Details
15 Jackson Street, Minster, OH, USA